GCBC Events
"And they continued stedfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, in the
breaking of bread, and in prayers. Acts 2:42
Weekly Events
Sunday Bible Studies 9:00 AM
Morning Worship 10:00 AM
Evening Worship 4:00 PM
Choir Rehearsal 5:00PM
Monday Male Call Men’s Bible Study 8:00 AM
AA 7:00 PM
Tuesday GriefShare 10:00 AM
Wednesday Coffee with Pastor Chip (Grand Café) 9:00 AM
Bible Study 4:00 AM
Thursday Grace Notes 9:00 AM
Saturday Women’s Bible Study 10:00 AM
Monthly Events
GriefShare meets every Tuesday at 10AM in the Ministry Center until November 19th. The Support Group will resume in January 2025.
The Lunch Bunch meets every second Tuesday of each month at 11:30 at various Surprise restaurants.
September The Lunch Bunch will be dining at Rio Mirage for Mexican food.
October we will be heading to Olive Garden to enjoy Italian food.
November finds us at Outback Steakhouse for some Australian cuisine.
December we will enjoy our Christmas extravaganza at Longhorn Steakhouse.
GAME DAY is held every third Saturday of each month at 2pm in the Ministry Center.
Men’s Breakfast is held the last Wednesday of each month 8:00AM at Denny’s on Grand Ave. in Surprise.